Do You Have A Small Business That We Can Help You Start or Grow?

Success Story: Grant Marketing Group

The old adage that “the cobbler’s children have no shoes” is a huge problem for almost every small business. Entrepreneurs typically run a lean shop – lots of work and few if any employees. Their time is focused on delivering for their clients with precious little left to focus on growing their own business.

This was the position that Grant Marketing Group, a San Marcos-based Internet marketing and web design agency found itself. As Grant Marketing CEO Jeremy Fusselman put it this way: “I was spending far too much time ‘in’ my business instead of ‘on’ my business.” His clients loved the job he did, but the business wasn’t growing the way he wanted it to.

Opportunity Came Knocking

Enter the San Diego & Imperial Valley SBDC with both an opportunity and an outstretched hand of help. At the time, the SBDC had been undergoing some exciting, but challenging, changes and realized it needed a complete redesign of its internet presence. As the successful proposer on the project, Grant Marketing Group undertook the redesign and rebranding effort.

An experienced internet marketer, Jeremy first got to know the SBDC – its staff, clients, and services. These would be the key to building a successful web presence and gaining another happy client. What he did not expect was that exposure to the core practices of the SBDC would help him significantly revise his path as a business owner.

A Paradigm Shift

As important as an attractive, informative website is, it’s no substitute for the hard, person-to-person marketing that grows most service businesses. This personal contact is a hallmark of the SBDC, and it’s now been integrated into the Grant Marketing Group strategic plan.

As the Grant Marketing Group continued to serve the SBDC’s internet needs, Jeremy continued to build his networks as he prepared to take his business to the next level of success. As Jeremy puts it, “Our project for the San Diego & Imperial Valley SBDC came at the perfect time for us to understand and implement the sound business growth strategies the organization imparts to our clients.”

Jeremy Fusselman, Grant Marketing Group; Success Stories

“Our project for the San Diego & Imperial Valley SBDC came at the perfect time for us to understand and implement the sound business growth strategies the organization imparts to our clients.”

Jeremy Fusselman, CEO, Grant Marketing Group

Are You Looking to Start or Grow Your Small Business?